Song of the Drum
Spirit of the drum come speak in your tongue
The language of the song of the soul
It’s the spirit of the drum that sings the song
Of creation of life in my bones
It’s the beat of my heart, it’s the sound of my ancestors
Singing their memory through me
For they live on in the beat of the drum
Awakening when we call them
We call with the drum Haiyeaaa
We call to heart Haiyeeayo
We call to the drum Haiyeaaa
We call with the heart Haiyeeayo
Calling, we’re calling, we’re calling,
we’re calling, we’re calling,
Haiyaiyaiyaiyo x2
Return to the Earth,
the elders dreamed this
Our grandfathers dreamed us
The ancient ones saw this
A time for remembering,
a time for believing
To protect what gives life,
to protect all that’s sacred
I give myself to the great remembering
May the smoke of my prayer
light the path that I walk
Let go, let go, let go and surrender
I am of the Earth and my life is yours
The heartbeat of the drum Haiyeaaa
The drum beat of the heart Haiyeaaayo x2