this podcast I had the pleasure of being part of with Ksenia from 'Woke and Wired'
In this interview, we covered:
Ayla’s story of discovering and sharing her voice
Music as a safe space and as a spiritual force
Song as an ancient way of communicating with nature
The role that plant medicine has played on Ayla’s path
How she ended up traveling across South America with wild horses
Integrating indigenous wisdom and modern living
Tending to the external fire that feeds your internal fire
Being a vessel for medicine
Some of the teachers and lineages that Ayla learns from
The power of a prayer and what a prayer really means in a non-dogmatic way
How inner work led to her music receiving millions of views on YouTube and streams on Spotify
Ayla’s experience with vision quests
Womb healing and what it has to do with healing your voice and self-expression
The story of Vuela Con El Viento
The story of the Grandmother (I Am The Earth) song
Balancing the medicine world with the digital world and social media
Making the space to follow the signs
Listening to Spirit